Historical Strangeness

The most mysterious outdoor stories from history

Kaz II ghost yacht, Hawaii, Ocean Mysteries StrangeOutdoors.com Kaz II ghost yacht, Hawaii, Ocean Mysteries StrangeOutdoors.com

The mysterious disappearance of the Sarah Joe and its five man crew


The Boston Whaler, Sarah Joe is linked to one of the greatest sea mysteries ever. The boat set out for a fishing trip with five men from the town of Hana on the Hawaiian island of Maui. None of them would ever be seen alive again. The story is an enduring mystery with many questions that will likely never be answered.

The story of the Sarah Joe fishing trip

On February 11, 1979, Peter Hanchett, 31, Benjamin Kalama, 38, Ralph Malaiakini, 27, Scott Moorman, 27, and Patrick Wiesner, 26, set out for a pleasant fishing trip on a seventeen-foot boat called the Sarah Joe.

To read the full article about the Serah Joe mystery, please log in or become a member of StrangeOutdoors here: THE MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE OF THE SARAH JOE AND ITS FIVE MAN CREW

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