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The bizarre disappearance and death of Adrienne Quintal in Michigan

Adrienne “Ada” Quintal, disappeared October 17, 2019, Body Found December 21, 2019, near Honor, Michigan.
Revised April 2024
From late September to mid-October 2019, over a period of around three weeks, Adrienne “Ada” Quintal, 47, from Southfield, Detroit, had been fixing up a cabin. It had been in the family for 75 years and was on Indian Hill Road in the small village of Honor, 250 miles west of her Detroit home. She had been staying there with her boyfriend, who returned to Detroit on October 15.
As well as working on the cabin, Ada was preparing to get ready for some hunting and enjoying the wildlife. Her 27-year-old son, Nick White, came over to drop off some supplies but left, saying his mother was in good spirits.
On Thursday, October 17, 2019, at around 2.30 am Adrienne, called a friend in Warren, saying she was scared and sounded panicked as she saw people outside the cabin. The family friend called 911 shortly after her call and told police that Adrienne was involved in a shoot-out with two men, and that said she had shot one of the men in the face. The friend tried to get Ada’s address and called her back after calling the police, but the call went right to voice mail.
Nine and half weeks later, a body was discovered only a few hundred yards from the house in an area scoured by searchers and sniffer dogs.
Many questions remain about this bizarre case, which at first sight seemed to be caused by a home invasion deep in the woods, but the authorities now believe this is simply a case of a woman succumbing to drugs, a prior head injury, and then the winter cold. What happened at the cabin in Michigan that night?
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Adrienne “Ada” Quintal
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