Mysterious Stories Blog
Strange, disturbing and mysterious stories from the outdoors
The shocking story of Australia’s vanishing bushwalkers

Revised April 2024
Visitors to Australia’s outback and isolated backcountry go missing almost every day. Like the USA and Canada, Australia has had its fair share of mysterious cases. Most people are eventually found, but in some cases, there are those who vanish without a trace, never to be seen again.
Many of the stories relate to misadventure, getting lost in the bush without food or, more importantly, water. Others succumb to serial killers or suicide and, in some cases, remain so mysterious that the cause of the disappearance remains unknown.
In terms of random murders, read about one of Australia’s most notorious murders here:
The real Wolf Creek - The Backpacker Murders in the Australian Outback The Peter Falconio disappearance in the Australian Outback.
There have been several amazing survival stories as well as strange disappearances and deaths.
The article covers the disappearances of:
Robert Weber
Shannon Leah Fraser
Richard Churchill
Reg Foggerdy
David Occhipinti
Sevak Simonian
Bruce Fairfax
Rachel Funari
Joao (John) De Ornelas
Warren Meyer
Brett Rohan McGillvray
To read the full story of the Australian Vanishing bushwalkers please log in or become a member of StrangeOutdoors to get exclusive content here: The shocking story of Australia’s vanishing bushwalkers
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